It's the real thing?

Coca Cola verkauft in England Hahnenwasser für 1.40 Euro pro 500 ml Flasche.

British water company Thames Water, meanwhile, charges its customers just 0.0316 pence for the same amount through the tap, The Times noted.

Marketing for the Coca-Cola product says its water goes through a "highly sophisticated purification process". One stage, called reverse osmosis, is described as a technique perfected by NASA to purify fluids on spacecraft.

Calcium, magnesium and sodium bicarbonate are then added for taste, according to Coca-Cola, whose marketing slogan is: "It's the real thing".

"The point is quality rather than provenance," a spokeswoman told the Telegraph.


Solange es Leute gibt, die solche Designer-Wasser kaufen...

Thema: weder Klatsch noch Quatsch

Dienstag, 2. März 2004, 11:19, von zorra | |comment